Sunday Bliss

Yesterday I was feeling a little down. The sky was cloudy and gray. Blah. We got a late start to our day and I didn’t get as much done around the house as I wanted to. I was reading an emotionally draining book and I had housework to do. I slacked on some things I was trying to accomplish last week and annoyed with myself for it. My daughter was on her final day of an opportunity that posed itself as being beneficial to her but ended up having some negative aspects. Blah.

Today I woke up with the intention of setting positive vibes for myself for the week. The sky is a gorgeous clear blue and that was already a positive. As I was getting showered and dressed to go to eleven o’clock Mass, I decided to try enhance my spiritual experience in church with some essential oils and healing crystals.

In September, after a series of signs from the universe and at the encouragement of a new friend in the “Oily Community”, I joined the Young Living Essential Oil community. Essential oils have been used by many cultures around the world for centuries for healing the sick and spiritual use. As a nurse, I’m fascinated by the benefits that the essential oils provide for us. As time goes by I’m learning more and more about all the things these oils can be used for and pleased at their benefits to my health. More posts about essential oils in the future.

A few weeks ago, I saw something on social media that sparked my interest in healing crystals and stones and I purchased three healing stones. I have a Citrine stone to cultivate energy that is fertile for growth and abundance. I have a Hematite stone to help feel grounded and balanced. I have a Clear Quartz stone to bring clarity to the mind. Although I researched these particular stones before and after I purchased them to learn about their uses, I know I have much to learn and look forward to more.

So I put my healing stones in my pocket and I anointed my third eye with Frankincense oil, rubbed Envision oil behind my ears and neck, placed Joy oil on my feet (I don’t care for the smell of the Joy oil but I do love it’s effects) and out the door I went to the eleven o’clock Contemporary Mass at my church.

I sat in the front pew on the right side of the church because that’s the side where the Youth Band is placed when they play in mass once a month. My daughter is a member of our parish youth band and today they were playing. The church was not yet full, the youth band was setting up and I decided that moment was a perfect time to meditate with my crystals. While I repeated the affirmations I’d designated for the stones, I pictured myself, surrounded in Christ’s white light of love and protection and focused my eyes on Jesus on the cross on the alter. I held each stone in my right hand and rolled it around so all of my fingers could feel it as I went through the ritual.

As the youth band began to play and the Mass was underway felt so grateful and so much at peace. I was completely present and in a state of spiritual bliss as I listened intently to each reading, the gospel, the homily and sang along with the uplifting contemporary music that youth band was playing. In the background I could hear the gentle and refined notes my daughter was playing on her trumpet. She’s always careful not to play too loud, I think she plays perfectly.

Mass ended and we were told to go in peace to serve the Lord. I left the church with a heart filled with joy and I realized that between today’s use of oils and crystals during an uplifting mass, I once again feel centered, balanced and courageous to serve the Lord and endure what challenges life throws my way.


February Books

February went by like a flash because I read so many great books and one not so great one. My 2018 reading challenge is moving along at a nice pace and I am pleased. One of my favorite past times is escaping into a book. Here we go.

Books 1 and 3: The Road to Grace (The Walk #3) and A Step of Faith (The Walk #4) by Richard Paul Evans. Richard Paul Evans. This series is about a man who loses everything an sets off to walk across the country. At the end of each book Richard Paul Evans drops a literary bomb in the last few pages and leaves you hurrying up to download the next one so you can find out what happens. This series has not disappointed me. I haven’t read book 5 yet because I’m not ready to let this story go yet.

Book 2: The Address by Fiona Davis. This book was recommended to me by one of my reader buddy fellow nurse coworkers. This book is a historical fiction about The Dakota in New York City. It goes back and forth between the late 1800’s and 1985 where a young woman uncovers information about her family while renovating an apartment in the building. Wow just wow. This is a book I thought about periodically throughout my day when I wasn’t reading it. I couldn’t put this down. The ending was a pleasant surprise.

Book 4: The Great Alone by Kristin Hannah. This is one of my favorite authors. I’ve read probably 12 of her books over the past 14 years. I had the privilege of meeting her back in October when she gave a talk at a local university, (my BSN Alma Mater) about her book The Nightingale. The Great Alone takes place in the Alaska wilderness in the mid 1970’s, when a Vietnam Vet moves his family there to start a new life. This book was intense, powerful writing. I’d highly recommend.

Book 5: White Houses by Amy Bloom. Disclosure first. I am not in any way shape or form prejudice against the LGBTQ community. This book is a fictionalized account of the “first friend” relationship that First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt had with female reporter Lorena Hickok. I had high hopes for this book. I enjoy history and details about real people in history. Maybe it was a post Great Alone and The Address depression and with drawl I was in but this book just didn’t do it for me. It was difficult to follow in some parts and it dragged on too long. Sorry.

That’s all for now. I’ll be back with a review of my March books in April. I’ve got some good ones lined up.




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