About Blog

My eyes are always open observing my surroundings, looking for a spark that will ignite my pen. My ears listen for the voice with the same precision I use to auscultate my patient’s hearts and lungs. Maybe I have too much wax in my ears or maybe I need a better stethoscope. I can’t hear my writing voices yet. I hear other voices. Voices of encouragement. “You are a writer”, “Once you hear the voice it will never go away” is what I hear right now and I believe them. I have big plans for this writing voice of mine. I wish it would present itself to me! I must be patient. I know we will meet some day. Writing has been a slow process like waiting 8-10 hours for a chuck roast to cook in a crock pot. It smells delicious and your mouth waters as you bring that first bite to your mouth. Once you taste the perfection you know it was worth the wait.

This blog was created because my voices of encouragement reassured me that I could. Some of the voices were gentle, some were verbose. You all know who you are and I thank you.

This blog began as part of my journey as a writer and my first attempt at displaying my writing to the general public. It is the only place that I publicize my writing. It is also the place I share aspects of my life, experiences, my insights on nursing.

5 thoughts on “About Blog”

  1. Thank you for recently visiting my blog. I wish you all the best in your writing and in your nursing. My granddaughter is studying to be a nurse and so well suited for it as she has such a heart for serving people and their medical needs. As for writing, it is one of those ‘craft’ that one can never perfect I think, but always improve as I strive always to do with mine. Enjoy the writing, and I know others will enjoy what you have written. Blessings.


    1. Thank you so much for your encouragement. I wish your granddaughter a long rewarding and successful career in nursing. I subscribed to your blog and look forward to reading more of your writing as well.


  2. Dear Jan,

    I wanted to let you know that we published a comprehensive list of Top Nurse Blogs at https://blog.nurserecruiter.com/top-nurse-blogs/ and we’re delighted to inform you that we included your blog as well!

    We compiled a list of nursing blogs worth following for the first time last year. It was a sizable undertaking, but we felt we had to do it because most existing lists were out of date or incomplete. It became a very popular resource too. But the blogging world is ever in flux — there are always nurses launching new blogs, even as others sadly find life gets in the way — so we decided to do it all over again. 🙂

    We added or removed 31 blogs, updated 55 blog descriptions, and added or updated social media accounts or follower counts for 99 blogs. We tried to draw up an inclusive list, with both individual nurses and writers at nursing institutions, prolific writers and occasional posters, veteran bloggers and newbies. We have listed your blog in the category “Nurses who blog about all kinds of things” (as opposed to those who write only/mostly about nursing).

    We have published a Top Nurse Blogs award as well, with a retro feel to honor the blogging tradition. Feel free to add the badge to your website and link it back to our nurse blogs list. You will find it at the top of our list – just click on the award to get a full-size image file (and we’d be happy to email you a transparent/PNG version too). 

    If you have any questions or suggestions (or if you feel we still missed a relevant blog!), you are also always welcome to drop me an email or reach out to us on Twitter (@NurseRec) or Facebook (@nurserecruiting).

    With kind regards,
    Joost van Beek

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