My Preceptor

Each time a nurse starts a job in a new setting or transfers from one department in the hospital to another, they have to be in an orientation period with a preceptor. In my hospital for experienced nurses it’s four to six weeks. For new grads it’s up to 12 weeks.

Rewind to shortly after I had transferred from telemetry to the Emergency Department. I was five years out of nursing school at this point. My preceptor was a baby boomer nurse with 31 years of experience and kids my age. One morning, I approached the nurses station at 0700 and my preceptor was already there. She pointed to a room with a patient on a ventilator with all kinds of tubes and wires connected. She said, “that’s your patient, call report to the ICU.” I started to panic. I told her I didn’t know anything about that patient. She pushed the thick chart across the desk at me and firmly said, “Call report.” I had about 30 seconds to figure out what was going on with that patient but I did figure it out and I called report to the ICU. I made it out of orientation unscathed.

Flash forward to 13 years after that day. My preceptor had since moved on the become a nursing supervisor. I was by that point 18 years out of nursing school. The Emergency Department and its current leadership had burned me out and jaded me. I had already accepted a transfer to my current department and was working my last few weeks as an ER nurse. I remember one day shortly before my departure, my preceptor while on duty as a nursing supervisor made her morning rounds to the Emergency Department. I told her, “I am transferring out of here.” She said she knew. I asked how she knew and she said, “Word travels fast around here.” After that she looked at me and said, “this move will be good for you, you’ve earned it.”

That compliment meant so much to me coming from my preceptor. It validated all the blood, sweat and tears I had put in working there. I had come full circle.

Daily writing prompt
What was the best compliment you’ve received?

Making the Oily Choice

I made the choice a few years ago, only I didn’t know it at the time. At that time it was only a conversation between three nurses. It was very interesting but I’ll admit that I wasn’t sure how this would fit into my life. I never forgot the conversation. Every now and then I’d revisit it and still wonder.

Fast forward to September 2017. My son, a sophomore biology major in college is diagnosed with Strep Throat three weeks into the semester. He was sick and miserable and forced to carry on with his studies and extracurricular activities because he didn’t want to fall behind. So he took his antibiotics as directed and carried on. The nurse mom that I am was desperate to find natural remedies not to cure the Strep Throat, but to support his immune system and get him back on his feet.

After that the dominoes began to fall. I had been following a hiker on Instagram for a few months. I noticed that lately he’d been posting things about Essential Oils. This was now the second time I’d heard about these oils; the first being the conversation I had with the nurse I work with. So I made a comment on one of his posts and we began to communicate. I was interested but honestly I didn’t want to spend 160.00 on the Premium Starter Kit but this guy was patient with me and continued to tell me how wonderful these Essential Oils are.

On September 27, 2017, just 20 days after my 47th birthday I made the choice. I chose to use the birthday money and some other stashed cash I had to purchase a Young Living Premium Starter Kit. I had initially planned on using the cash to get a much needed massage but I was extremely interested in these oils. So this oily guy that I follow on Instagram enrolled me and became my mentor. He sent me an Essential Oils Pocket Reference Guide to read while I waited for my Premium Starter Kit to arrive and my oily journey had begun. Seven months later I am still in dire need of a massage, but still ecstatic that I chose the oils.

So I joined a few facebook groups, did some reading and I was on my way to experiencing these oils. At my enroller/mentor’s suggestion, I immediately joined Young Living’s Extended Rewards Program. Each month the member orders a minimum of 50.00 of oils and earns free products and reward points that can be used for other purchases.

Essential oils are made from plants. They do not cure diseases, they support the systems of the body naturally. They are used for prevention maintenance for physical and emotional health. The more I used the oils and the more I learned first hand how they support my health. I finally started opening up to some of my coworkers and friends about them. I realized that several people I know use these oils too. One of my coworkers was also interested and on the fence. She also wasn’t sure she wanted to spend 160.00 on a Premium Starter Kit. So, I went through item of the kit and each oil to share with her what she can use them for. She ended up purchasing the Premium Starter Kit.

The dominoes continued to fall. My coworker told me that even though I did not personally enroll her, part of her decision to enroll came from our discussions. It occurred to me that I enjoy talking to people about the benefits of Essential Oils and that I wanted to continue to do so on a more formal level. Towards the end of March I saw an advertisement on Facebook for a class that teaches members to become an enroller and get into the business. After some pondering I contacted my mentor and told him I wanted to become an enroller and mentor too.

So there it is. I’ve gone Oily. I’ve finished the Business Academy, I’ve had some business cards made and I am building my Young Living business. I am now an enroller and sponsor.  My objective is to educate on the amazing benefits of these oils and encourage their use.

If this post interests you and you wish to learn more, please stay with me and continue to check this blog. I will be posting more fun facts on Essential Oils in the coming weeks. I would love to be your mentor.

Feel free to contact me with any questions:

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